
Dressed-up portrait

Originally uploaded by DFW-Photo
At the 'Midwinter fair', 12-13 December in theme park Archeon (Alphen a/d Rijn, NL), people paraded in fantasy and gothic dress. You're welcome to look at my Flickr-photostream for some examples of my snapshots. (Just click on the picture and you'll be taken there.) My best portrait, I think, was made inside, of this wood nymph, or was she a Maid Marian escaped from a Robin Hood story?

Taking pictures outside was a challenge--to put it mildly--because of the low winter sun and the high contrasts it created; high ISO-setting was needed because of the low light intensity overall, but the difference between sun and shadow sides of faces almost called for HDR solutions, which of course is impossible with moving targets (to keep with the bow and arrow inspired metaphors). I'm waiting for HDR-sensor chips in a next generation of cameras!

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